Checkout the wide selection of Gift Cards available directly from our partner providers, offering the best cards. Unlike our competitors, we don’t hide our fees by bloating your exchange rates at checkout.

Looking to get your gift cards fast? Gift cards are delivered instantly upon 2 confirmations on the blockchain, or instantly upon payments of lightning network invoices.
Choose Gift Cards From Lots Of Australian Retailers!
Security and Privacy First
Coincards is an advocate of both Privacy and Security. We make every effort to ensure customers can provide only minimal information while keeping user information secure.
Specialized Support Team
Our team is comprised of Full-time crypto specialists with a background in E-commerce. We are committed to ensuring we have sufficient staff to cover growing demands.
Huge Selection
Coincards offers a huge selection of Electronic Gift Cards from Australia’s top Retailers!
Trusted & Reputable
Coincards has been active since 2014 and has served thousands of users by processing millions of dollars in Bitcoin to Gift Card transactions per year.