
Litecoin Payments Now Available

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And Then There Was Litecoin

At the end of December 2017, shut down temporarily in order to re-vamp our site and implement much needed improvements. One of the major improvements that we worked toward was the implementation of Litecoin as a direct payment method, which was driven by the high transaction fees and congestion facing the Bitcoin network. Our users rallied in their requests for direct Litecoin integration, and as always we made it a priority to make our user experience as awesome as possible.

We are very happy to announce that after many, many hours of development and testing by BTCpay and our team, Litecoin is now fully enabled on!

Litecoin does NOT replace Bitcoin on our site, however simply allows users more choice!

Thank you to everyone for your patience, understanding and support during this process. We hope that you are just as excited about this new development as we are, and that it enables all of our users to enjoy a faster and more cost effective experience with us.

Next on our roadmap of improvements are (1) Integration of a payment processor for altcoins, and (2) Implementation of the Lightning Network, which we feel will really take us to the next level!